Sunday, August 30, 2009

Uncle Dave visit and first Cubs game!

On Friday Uncle Dave came to visit for a couple of days. Since mommy was spending most of Saturday with some friends at the spa and then hanging out, Uncle Dave and daddy took Evan to his first Cubs game. And they won!

Evan was sooo excited to be there that he couldn't sit still and thus spent most of the time watching the game from different points around the stadium.

Grandma and DeBlecourt visit

This past week Grandma and Aunt Emily, Andrew, Lydia and Miya came to Chicago for a couple days to visit.

The weather was perfect and we spent an afternoon at the zoo seeing the animals

After the zoo we went downtown to Millennium Park to play in the fountain

And then got some weird pictures of ourselves in the reflection of the bean

Camping at the overflow

The weekend after we got back from Colorado the Veenstra family was camping at the overflow in Holland. It looked like it was going to be a really nice weekend so we decided to join.

We spent Saturday at the beach

Saturday night being quite uncomfortable in a bath next to Baylee

Sunday morning napping by Oma and having a photo-op with the other great-grandkids

And Sunday afternoon playing in the pool by Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's with Baylee


At the beginning of August we took a road trip to CO with Opa and Oma and Uncle Alex and Aunt Emily.

We were able to do a couple of hikes with Evan - to Cascade Falls, Baby Bathtubs and another one that left from Cascade Falls and went up to the Amphitheater campground

We also spent some quality time at the cabin, at the pool and in town just relaxing

But probably the most exciting part was that Alex and Emily got engaged!

Evan had a really good time so just before we left he gave us a really big smile!