Monday, April 19, 2010


We are excited to see all the signs of "newness" and Spring outside and it seems Evan is getting into it too with several new things of his own.

He has started to use a few "words" consistently. "Hi" and he waves very readily for "Hi" and "Bye" now. "Da" for Dada, and today he gave his big lip and started to shed a few tears when Daddy had to leave for is tough for Evan and Mommy after those nice weekends with the 3 of us together! And finally, "Caa" for car or truck - last night Evan heard the word "truck" in our conversation with friends and he chimed in immediately with "caa caa". When we look out the windows for cars, I say "zoom zoom" and he will usually respond with "caa". These developments have been very fun to see.

We continue to introduce Evan to all kinds of new foods too...he loves waffles, Gerber chicken sticks (so does his mommy :)), and most recently he tried Spaghetti O's for the first time. What a mess!

Finally, he has learned this great new way to make a unique noise with his mouth!