Monday, May 24, 2010

Progress and Projects

When we were initially referred to Physical Therapy for Evan he was not getting from a lying to sitting position or pulling up on any furniture. Since then he has made a lot of progress. He has only had 2 sessions so far, so hard to believe it is all related to the therapy. Either way, I find myself shocked and proud of the many different positions I find him in lately.

He often enjoys snacktime standing up now. I think just because he thinks it is cool that he can coordinate it standing up!

So proud of himself!

Saturday, we were busy with outdoor projects and Evan kept busy too...playing in the water bucket, helping daddy lay wood chips, and trying out the new swing.

Watching intently as Daddy hangs his swing!

Swing = fun, Mommy pushing me with my hat on her head = extra fun

You'll notice Evan has received some great new accessories lately as well! The hip shades usually stay on for about 10 minutes before he gets sick of them. Thanks for the great belt, Oma. My pants stay on so well when I do my Army Crawl.