Sunday, January 16, 2011

Random Pics

Evan can be quite goofy lately. Surprising us with comic relief at just the right times. He frequently wears the Mr. Potato Head glasses. He'll alternate between the yellow pair and the more feminine pink pair.

He also loves to wear his "goshes" aka galoshes around the house.

He's found any activity is twice as fun in the tent. When Aliyah is here he will get in it and plead for her to join, "Lee, Lee". From the outside I just see occasional heads, arms, butts hitting the side of the tent. They are having a lot of fun together lately!

We've had more snow and took Evan out in the sled - for walks around the block and down a hill at a local park. He giggled the whole way down every time! What fun!

Mommy and Evan spent a morning at the Children's Museum.