Tuesday, February 22, 2011

X and B - Special Guests

Evan loves to have "X" (Uncle Alex) come visit and he loves to play with "B" (Baylee). So it can't get much better than "X" and "B" coming to hang out in the same night.

I think Evan got pretty jealous of B's purse.

Check out that volume. :)


View of the salt water pool and ocean

Our "post" for much of the 5 days

As we exited the water we were informed that there was a 5 ft. stingray in the area the day before. We decided that was the first and last snorkel excursion.

A great looking group of ladies!

What a great way to celebrate 12 years of friendship and 30 years of life! We decided we should do this every decade...would that be too much to ask? :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blizzard 2011

Love this one with his hands held together. Like he just doesn't know what to do or what to make of it all!