Thursday, May 12, 2011


Well, here we are, back in West Michigan. word to describe it right now. Jeremy has a few days of work at Amway under his belt. Feeling a bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable with the switch in industry and after being in the same place for 8 years. Evan and I are figuring out our routine. Evan appears to love the extra attention he receives from being close to family. However, he will occasionally say, "Norm (our elderly next door neighbor), miss you." or "Back to Evan's house?" Difficult for me to hear these things because I want to make sense of it for him.

We did "choose" an extra special week to return to West MI. Tulip Time. We decided we'd dive full in to our Dutch culture back here by dressing Evan in Cousin Andrew's old Dutch Costume and watching a parade. The heat was intense and Evan could barely keep his eyes open at the end, but he loved it! He kept saying, "More drums" each time he'd see a band. Other highlights were the police motorcycles, tractor, and firetruck at the end...such a boy!