Friday, May 29, 2009

My How He's Grown

It seems like everyday we notice Evan growing and changing. Now that he is 2 months old, I thought it would be fun to look back on all the changes since birth. In reviewing our photos we've noticed they clearly reveal two of Evan's favorite things - sleeping and smiling.


  1. Lisa, this is so awesome! We miss living so close to the three of you! I LOVE that last picture of him smiling up at Jeremy! Adorable! Can't wait to see more pictures! Love you and miss you tons! Michelle, (Andy and Baylee too)

  2. I'll second Michelle's comment on the photo of Evan smiling at his daddy--so precious. More pictures soon, please!!
    Love, Mom and Oma

  3. This is great! I love the pictures.

    Thanks for setting this up to keep us updated on Evan!

    I love the picture of Evan smiling at Jeremy.

    Love, Dad Kiek

  4. Love the pictures! Send more on paper to so I can put them in a frame.

    I want to snuggle with him and hold his little buns!!!

    Love you and miss you Evan (Lisa and Jeremy), Grandma
