Wednesday, September 30, 2009

6 Month Discoveries

Evan is 6 months now and as you can see he is making all kinds of new discoveries. He's discovered a new source of food (and seems to like it), his feet (delicious for sucking), and his bottom for sitting (loves the new view on the world). Playtime in the exersaucer and rolling from back to stomach are new and exciting as well. Along with these discoveries he continues to refine the skills he has had for a while such as smiling, sleeping, giggling, and wrapping mommy and daddy around his finger! :)


  1. Dear little 6-month old Evan--
    You are so, so adorably cute! I am so eager to see you again!
    Can hardly believe that you are eating and sitting--you look like such a bit boy!
    Love, hugs, and kisses,

  2. Oops--that's supposed to be "biG" boy!

  3. Evan, I miss you so much! Hopefully on Saturday or Sunday we will be able to hang out again! Can't wait to see you!Love, Bayleep.s. I hope you like the bumbo seat as much as I did....
