Monday, February 1, 2010

On the move

Although he is not crawling yet, Evan is definitely figuring out more and more ways to get around and get to what he wants. He does great on the carpet and can really move on the wood floor!

A few of Evan's current favorite things are looking out the window to watch the cars go by, turning the pages of his board books, and "playing catch" with Daddy. Oh, and he's still sportn' some wild hair!


  1. Grandpa and Grandma love the new video we watched from Florida. Keep those floors clean. Glad to see Evan moving around. We can't wait to see him next week. Love, Grandpa and Grandma

  2. Wow, Evan, you look so grown up standing there on the couch! And you are definitely on the move--quite creative way of getting around, grandson!
    See you tomorrow--
    Love, Opa and Oma
