Thursday, March 11, 2010


The warmer weather is welcome and yesterday's temperature with the sunshine was a great gift! Evan and I have started taking our almost daily stroller walks again and yesterday we went to the park for the first time. I was so excited to take Evan and he was even more excited to swing and watch all the action at the park. This is the same park Jeremy went to when he was little. Can't wait for many more visits to all the great local parks!

As you can see, the swing really blew his hair back. Evan's hair is increasingly hard to tame these days. If I decide to tackle it, it proves futile because after his nap it is back to wild again. His hair really has a mind of it's own.

1 comment:

  1. What precious photos of almost-one-year old Evan! He looks so grown up in the park. And that hair--it's great in the bath-tub!
    Wait til you see the picture we have of Jeremy in a laundry basket. . .like father, like son!
