Friday, June 25, 2010

How to keep the Spartan out of my cupboards?

15 months (today) and Evan is into everything right now! He is definitely not lacking in curiousity or determination. If it interests him he finds a way to explore it. It is very fun for Jeremy and I to observe. Well, most of the time, til it gets toward the end of the day and I am so exhausted from picking up the trail he leaves behind him! :) Our walks provide a different sort of break these days...just some time to strap him down and get a rest from constantly supervising his explorations. His favorite things to "check out" are anything non-toy :) ...Daddy's alarm clock is a big hit (we end up with music serenading us through our morning routine), the toilet and toilet paper roll, and any cupboards or drawers (he has become very good at opening drawers at various heights). I don't close off any rooms, yet, so it is all fair game to him! All this and he doesn't even walk or stand alone...can't imagine it when he does!

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