Monday, December 13, 2010

Celebrating the Season

During December, we've been busy engaging the Christmas season. Picked out and decorated the tree. Evan's favorite part was wearing the tree beads as a necklace. Actually, we didn't put them on the tree this year, so he is still running around the house with that string of beads.

Daddy brought home a cookie making kit he found at Trader Joe's. Evan really loves to help cook and bake right now. Any recipe that involves eggs really makes him mad because I don't let him help with cracking the eggs. How do you explain salmonella to a 1 year old? :)

This past Friday night we went to Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo. What a great event! Great lights outside, fun activities, and all the indoor exhibits of animals were open too...good for warming up as well!

Ice sculpting with a chainsaw.

All the gorillas and apes were fast asleep.