Monday, December 13, 2010

Celebrating the Season

During December, we've been busy engaging the Christmas season. Picked out and decorated the tree. Evan's favorite part was wearing the tree beads as a necklace. Actually, we didn't put them on the tree this year, so he is still running around the house with that string of beads.

Daddy brought home a cookie making kit he found at Trader Joe's. Evan really loves to help cook and bake right now. Any recipe that involves eggs really makes him mad because I don't let him help with cracking the eggs. How do you explain salmonella to a 1 year old? :)

This past Friday night we went to Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo. What a great event! Great lights outside, fun activities, and all the indoor exhibits of animals were open too...good for warming up as well!

Ice sculpting with a chainsaw.

All the gorillas and apes were fast asleep.


  1. Are there any cookies left for me?

  2. Such cute pictures. We are looking forward to next week. Baylee has been having fun wrapping and putting "Eban's" presents under the tree.
