Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthday Boy

Overflowing with excitement for his special day! We'll let Evan tell you how old...

He told us his dreams last night included "Reese" my girlfriend's one year old. So I think that is still on his mind when he says "Reese" is coming to his party. Actually, tomorrow we celebrate with Jeremy's side here in Chicago. Can't wait! Last weekends party with my family was a success and we are excited for more Choo Choo cake! Our agenda for the rest of the day includes a visit to the library and dinner at "Snackville Junction" where the theme is trains and the food is delivered to you on a train. Evan is going to LOVE it! Counting down the hours. Oh, and of course, we'll give him our birthday present for him tonight. I'll make sure to post more pics of all our fun birthday events!

We are also celebrating the halfway point of my pregnancy today! Exactly 20 weeks and this little one is on the move!

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