Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Fun

This past weekend we went camping with Jeremy's family. It was chilly and overcast most of the weekend, but we made the best of it. Evan didn't even seem to notice the cold...just enjoyed being around his family! Our proudest moment captured below - Evan pushed the pink stroller (courtesy of Cousin Baylee) and pumpkin around much of the weekend.:)

We found a great orchard nearby and stopped on our way home. Ate a lot and picked a lot. Now that Evan has more teeth, he has graduated to the acutal apple and not just applesauce. He loves them. The apples are sitting on our back porch and each time we pass them by he tries to swipe one for himself. Pretty delicious fresh off the tree!


  1. As always, great pictures. I especially like the one at the orchard where he's walking with you...his smile is hilarious!

  2. These bring back some good memories! I love fall camping! Evan looks so very grown up in these--picking an apple, roasting over the fire. . .he just gets cuter and cuter all the time! And that blond, blond hair--just like his daddy used to have.
    Love you all--Oma
