Thursday, September 16, 2010


Here are some random pictures of what we've been up to for the last few weeks.

I believe in Evan's mind all Chicago parks are perfectly placed to watch the airplanes descend to the airport.

He really loves trucks. We just picked up a truck book from the library earlier this week and he barely parts with it.

Evan helped Daddy install his new book sling.

He's figured out how to open the toilet and deposit items inside. He has NOT figured out what items are supposed to be deposited.

First trip to a Chicago favorite - Rainbow Cone!

Yes...he looks distraught here (he wants my cellphone), but I had to capture the trend-setting ways he wears my headbands!

My biggest fans!


  1. The book sling looks great--I'm going to make one for school--found Van Gogh's "Starry Night" fabric at Fields!
