Friday, November 5, 2010

Evan meet Mandy...Mandy meet Evan (and other random pics)

We've been cleaning and clearing out our basement the past few weeks. One, because it was filthy and cluttered. Two, because we wanted to create a space down there for Evan to enjoy. We brought in his slide and play structure from outside, set up a radio and have brought some toys from upstairs to downstairs. Should be a nice alternative play area when the dead of winter hits! Anyway, while cleaning and sorting, I turn around to see this...

...couldn't believe he dared to touch her! Actually, he really loves her. I tried to put her away, but Evan found her again through the clear sterilite box! He calls her "Baby", will pat her back, and now we even sing our Dutch bedtime song to her. Obviously has the same good taste in dolls as his Mommy. I just hope he doesn't start adding anymore bites to her face or hands to express his love!

One of Evan's current favorite things is playing in his box or basket. He loves to pile all his animals in and out. He seems to do it several times before he can get them all just right.

Other current and always favorite thing...DADDY! He just loves his daddy. I try not to feel too bad, but literally every morning for about a week and a half this is the dialogue ME: "Evan...Evan... Good Morning..." EVAN: "Daddy? Dadddy?" ME: "sorry, buddy, daddy is at work." EVAN: In a sad and disappointed voice, "Da..ddy.." As if he doesn't believe me, he will sometimes run to our room and check out the bed just to make sure I'm not hiding Daddy in there! I love their special relationship!

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