Wednesday, March 27, 2013

4 and Krakow

He's 4!  Can't imagine life without Evan's sweetness and curiosity!  4th birthday and 3rd different city...Chicago twice, Holland, and Krakow.  We spent the day celebrating and acclimating to another new city.     

Chose one present to open in the morning.  This also gives an idea of our view from our hotel.  A pretty spot on the river with a view of the Wawel Castle as well, which was our first spot in checking out Krakow.  The castle is large with much to see, but the Dragon's Den was the most interesting to the 3 of us. 

Here's Evan by the entrance. Unfortunately, the den is only open for an inside tour during the summer months. We did manage to find the dragon though. Evan has been pretty into the dragon. Both kids received a stuffed dragon when we checked into the hotel.

From castle looking back to our hotel (just right of center)
We decided to have dinner on the Market Square.  We took a birthday tram ride to and from.  Evan has been begging to ride the tram in each city since we saw the first one in Warsaw.  He was delighted!

Earlier in the day we located a cupcake shop. Evan chose a different cupcake for each of us to enjoy.  The baker was so sweet and patient, telling Evan to pick his out for free and he even got to put his name on the box (with a little help)
  Today we headed to the Transport Museum.  We spent time with the hands on exhibits and also viewed many motorcycles, trams, cars, etc. from the past.  

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