Saturday, March 16, 2013

More Warsaw

Currently awaiting our flight to Milan at the Warsaw Chopin Airport.  I believe we have a total of 9 flights on this trip.  Evan still thinks it's pretty cool, but not sure by the time we get to number 7.  He frequently comments on the speed of the flight, "...really, really fast.  Like a race car."  As well as on "where" we go on the plane, "way up like to Jesus."  Haven't figured out a successful way to explain we can't "fly" in a plane to Heaven. Just love this boy and all his comments along the way.  Can't imagine all that's going on in his mind.  

Week one went quickly!  Excited for our next stop.  Still hard to believe Jeremy and I are going back to Italy.  Both of us were quite sure when we left Italy on our 2008 Europe trip that it would be a long time, if at all, before we'd return.  So thankful to have this opportunity and explore another Italian city. 

Here's an update on how we spent our other days in Warsaw.  Wednesday we went to the Copernicus Science Center.  It's a hands on science museum and, per several Polish citizens we spoke with, this is a very new idea for them.  Pretty funny how often Evan had to tell other kids and museum workers that he speaks English.  We really enjoyed it!
Evan's favorite...flying the helicopter or "elpopter".  We came back to this one several times.

On Thursday, we had our first bit of sunshine, but the cold temps remained.  The wind chill has been between 10-20 degrees everyday.  Weather we wouldn't often go walking around in back in GR, but here walking is our option to really explore the city!  We've made the best of it and the kids have done very well.  A few times we ducked in bookstores to warm up, which served as more great cultural experience for us.  And Evan doesn't mind the book in Polish as opposed to to English...he still found a great stack to peruse.  So Thursday, with sun to help keep us "warm", we headed for Old Town and on the way saw The Presidential Palace, The Royal Palace, and many neat streets, shops, and cafes.  This morning, sun again, we returned so we could enjoy it with Jeremy too.  Most of Warsaw was essentially destroyed during WWII and Old Town was rebuilt with the rubble.  Great Square! 

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