Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I've decided that traveling through 3 foreign countries in 3 1/2 weeks with 2 young children is blog worthy. Either entertaining for others to read as we post or entertaining for us to read at a later date. Ultimately it will serve as a sort of travel journal for us. Jeg lag on both ends might otherwise make some moments a bit fuzzy.

3 flights to bring us to our first stop. GR to Detriot, Detriot to Amsterdam, and Amsterdam to Warsaw. Overall, the flights went well. Difficult to know what to expect with a 3 year old and 18 month old (with a double ear infection) and 8 hours on a plane. One minor detail: Evan, Ayana, and I were in economy while Jeremy was in Business. Nice arrangement. :) Evan really got into the access to TV and DVD's. This kept him entertained most of the long flight and he slept about 1 1/2 hours. Ayana started out in economy, but then got a taste of the "good life" in Business and never came back. She slept by Jeremy for 3 1/2 hour of the long flight. Both kids were such troopers through all the traveling and airports. So fun to watch them take it all in. Evan is so curious at this stage and he had a lot to say throughout our journey.

Our stay in Warsaw has been good so far. The Sheraton is very nice and being a Western hotel has provided a sort of “home” feel for us. We are overcoming the jet lag, but we’ve all been doing better than I had anticipated. Kids were up for a few hours the first night, but have napped each day and slept through last night. I’ve made a point to get us to breakfast and out of the hotel for a few or more hours in the morning and early afternoon to help us all adjust. The kids and I have really enjoyed exploring Warsaw. Everything is sort of an adventure. Evan notices the difference in language, the different roads and walkways, and he is very eager to ride the tram and the subway. The first day we walked a while and also visited a mall. In the evening we went for traditional Polish dinner which we all enjoyed. Today we visited a local grocery store and then went to a large park near the Embassy district.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, looks like you guys are having fun exploring Warsaw! Thanks for updating this, looking forward to hearing about and seeing pictures of Milan.
