Monday, December 13, 2010

Celebrating the Season

During December, we've been busy engaging the Christmas season. Picked out and decorated the tree. Evan's favorite part was wearing the tree beads as a necklace. Actually, we didn't put them on the tree this year, so he is still running around the house with that string of beads.

Daddy brought home a cookie making kit he found at Trader Joe's. Evan really loves to help cook and bake right now. Any recipe that involves eggs really makes him mad because I don't let him help with cracking the eggs. How do you explain salmonella to a 1 year old? :)

This past Friday night we went to Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo. What a great event! Great lights outside, fun activities, and all the indoor exhibits of animals were open too...good for warming up as well!

Ice sculpting with a chainsaw.

All the gorillas and apes were fast asleep.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Evan meet Mandy...Mandy meet Evan (and other random pics)

We've been cleaning and clearing out our basement the past few weeks. One, because it was filthy and cluttered. Two, because we wanted to create a space down there for Evan to enjoy. We brought in his slide and play structure from outside, set up a radio and have brought some toys from upstairs to downstairs. Should be a nice alternative play area when the dead of winter hits! Anyway, while cleaning and sorting, I turn around to see this...

...couldn't believe he dared to touch her! Actually, he really loves her. I tried to put her away, but Evan found her again through the clear sterilite box! He calls her "Baby", will pat her back, and now we even sing our Dutch bedtime song to her. Obviously has the same good taste in dolls as his Mommy. I just hope he doesn't start adding anymore bites to her face or hands to express his love!

One of Evan's current favorite things is playing in his box or basket. He loves to pile all his animals in and out. He seems to do it several times before he can get them all just right.

Other current and always favorite thing...DADDY! He just loves his daddy. I try not to feel too bad, but literally every morning for about a week and a half this is the dialogue ME: "Evan...Evan... Good Morning..." EVAN: "Daddy? Dadddy?" ME: "sorry, buddy, daddy is at work." EVAN: In a sad and disappointed voice, "Da..ddy.." As if he doesn't believe me, he will sometimes run to our room and check out the bed just to make sure I'm not hiding Daddy in there! I love their special relationship!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Such a good sharer

I agree with Evan...the guy looks thirsty!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Evan's Newest Playmate

Miss Aleeyah is 11 months old. Quite the cutie! She is our Pastor's granddaughter and Evan and I will be hanging out with her 2 days a week. Makes for some busy and exhusting days! Initially, Evan was having a difficult time sharing his Mommy. However, he seems to be warming up to her. Yesterday I "caught" him sharing with her, picking up a toy she dropped to hand it back to her, and curiously, but cautiously touching that poof of hair on the top of her head. Hilarious!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Fun

This past weekend we went camping with Jeremy's family. It was chilly and overcast most of the weekend, but we made the best of it. Evan didn't even seem to notice the cold...just enjoyed being around his family! Our proudest moment captured below - Evan pushed the pink stroller (courtesy of Cousin Baylee) and pumpkin around much of the weekend.:)

We found a great orchard nearby and stopped on our way home. Ate a lot and picked a lot. Now that Evan has more teeth, he has graduated to the acutal apple and not just applesauce. He loves them. The apples are sitting on our back porch and each time we pass them by he tries to swipe one for himself. Pretty delicious fresh off the tree!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Here are some random pictures of what we've been up to for the last few weeks.

I believe in Evan's mind all Chicago parks are perfectly placed to watch the airplanes descend to the airport.

He really loves trucks. We just picked up a truck book from the library earlier this week and he barely parts with it.

Evan helped Daddy install his new book sling.

He's figured out how to open the toilet and deposit items inside. He has NOT figured out what items are supposed to be deposited.

First trip to a Chicago favorite - Rainbow Cone!

Yes...he looks distraught here (he wants my cellphone), but I had to capture the trend-setting ways he wears my headbands!

My biggest fans!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Jeremy's youngest brother, Alex, is officially married off to Emily. It was an honor and a lot of fun for Jeremy and me to stand up for them. A great day and a beautiful couple. However, looking through pictures I realize I don't have any close ups of them. Guess I was a bit preoccupied with Evan around. Although Evan was not in the wedding, he still got all dappered up for some pictures.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Getting close... walking on his own. Since yesterday Evan started to really enjoy walking behind his car. He initiates it and is very proud of himself.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hometown Fun

Our summer is bookended by busy, but for most of July we have been in town and enjoying every minute of all that this great city has to offer. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to...

Concerts in Millenium Park (we got rained out after a while!)

Picnicing, biking, and running the lake front

Cooling off in the fountains at Millenium Park

Celebrating Jeremy's 30 years with family. Evan and Baylee loved their adventure to the Lincoln Park Zoo, the Millenium Park fountains, Cconcert in the Park, and the next day to Uncle Alex's work and picnic at a nearby park.